Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Hatt Rock

Diving today out of Plymouth. Our first dive was Hatt Rock a dive I first heard about 12 years ago and have been trying to get on since then! Approaching the dive site the surrounding sea bed is in 62m then you hit the reef which rises slowly to around 48m then sharply to 27m (The Hat). The shot was on the top of the reef but right next to the drop off. I descended to 48m through a shoal of Pollock which seemed to be swimming around me for the 25min I stayed at this depth. I swam over a patch of rough ground made up of large flat rocks which housed between 15-20 small Conger Eels. Ascending up the 20m wall which makes the sides of the Hat was a mass of colours blue, purple and pink which was large patches of Jewel Anemones, shinning my torch over these was just a wonderful sight. Once on the top of the reef I explored until I had done 40min, racking up 15min of decompression, it was time to ascend. What a dive it was well worth the wait.
Not content with one amazing dive we then went on to dive the Eddystone Lighthouse reef were I spent 60min under the water. Two of the best reef dives in the UK in one day. Result!

Thanks Danny and Dave

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